Saturday, October 20, 2007

I hit a squirrel today...

...because I was speeding and passing people all over the place. I looked back and he kind of wriggled and then stopped. Squirrels mate for life, so I just killed the equivalent of someone's spouse. A little dramatic? Maybe, but it did not make me happy.
What did make me happy was ending something that was getting to be ridiculous tonight. Someone *cough* DAVID WARNER *cough* kind of barged in, so I didn't get to finish everything. But I am okay now. I have found out also that the strongest person I know is having the same problems as I. Junior year so far has sucked. Honestly. But at least now I know that I have someone back that I'd been missing for a long time.
But I have always had someone. I know this.
I feel as though I have not slept in days. I have felt like Holden Coalfield lately too. In that, I think I could possibly be crazy sometimes. And I feel like everything around me is so depressing sometimes. I watched someone today watch a tape of their dreams, that all came true. And then were just one day gone, their own fault of course. But you'd have to know the person. I know more than anything after today that I do not ever want to do what they did. But to see a person watch everything that they could have been, whoa it killed me. I pray lately just to see encouraging things. I don't know if that made any sense. Any way I have so much home work that I have not even thought about. It is ridiculous. I need to quit having a social life. Only so serious. I am in soooo deep.

Money saved for KC OneThing: $26. And that was just in this week, with lunch money and money I was given for Uncle John's Cider Mill. Abby I am coming.

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