Monday, February 12, 2007

So last year Mr. Von Ilten came into our Sunday school class saying how bad myspace and blogs are and how we should go home and delete all of ours. Last Sunday Grasshopper Abby told the whole class that we all neeeded one of these blogspots, to talk about Jesus. Okay. Here are my recent thoguhts on Jesus and stuff:

Jesus is cool. I am his favorite, and his favourite. Drugs= bad. Abby was reading 2nd Kings while I was falling asleep. And it was about war and stuff and throwing this wicked lady out of a window. And the dogs ate her. War is bad, I don't like it: Matthew 5:9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. I agree with Abby, the sermon on the mount is good stuff, we should read it everyday.

Today I did really well on my test in band and I have an A in math. That makes today a good day. I got a 1 in districts, so hopefully we will go on to states now. I am going to start on HW.
