Saturday, July 28, 2007

Into marvelous light I'm running...

Wow. That was everyhting I hoped for. Being seperated from everything at home sucked but at the same time put me into a real peace. Phones don't work there. I don't know what it is. I saw the hardest heart just break down this week. I have seen how badly God wants us. In a place like this, it is so easy to listen. And Music is amazing.
I could talk up camp all day but more thna anything I want to shower, read, and play my trumpet right now. I brought it, and played a bit to save lips. And I played taps every night, which was fun.
For the first time when returning to camp, I did not feel like crap. I didn't think to myself, oh what a screw-up, and I didn't rely on camp turning me around. I didn't feel... totally lost. Though I am a terrible sinner and I have so far to go. So Abby, thanks. I was really neat having OBC youth there too. Any way..


Thursday, July 12, 2007

For some reason

6am is so sobering.

Yesterday went terribly..

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New respect for Lael...

Monday night was amazing. First, I got to see the famous Kris Edler speak and he was great. (Although he contradicted Abby totally. Don't worry, we will correct everything after she leaves) Just kidding. Kris stressed three main points, praying, fasting, and friends. Like fellowship and being around positive people. But Reading our Bible is no doubt so important. I have gained a new respect for Lael.

Coming home Monday just felt like old days (like a year ago :-p) and everything seemed okay then. I haven't talked to a few people in days, when I have really needed to, but somehow I feel like everything is okay...

Sectional today...I just saw some mormons outside and felt the strong urge to go talk with them, but I don't know why. Side tracking.. I really don't want to go today because most likely, the last 1/3 of the section leader mess will be there and take over where she...didn't leave off. Puke. I really want things to go well. There go the mormons again,what could I say to them? Why are you deceiving the world? Haha

Anyway Wednesday I woke up with a panicky feeling, for no reason. I had been arguing with Evan which always sucks, but for some reason he made me feel a lot better Tuesday and we just dropped what we were arguing about. That is what I love about guys, they forget and don't care.

Abby. I love your guts. I hope everything ended the way you wanted. You have amazing friends and family but I know you will forget all about Holt when you get back home. :-p What would you say to a mormon?
